Portfolio Page
My current portfolio
HTML, CSS, JavaScript | |
The game of Pong
Java, Swing | |
Fun Chat gpt mockup site I created to learn how to
use React
React, Javascript, HTML, CSS | |
Covid-19 Trends Visualizer
Python program that analyzes and displays graphs
depicting various Covid-19 trends
Python, Pandas, Numpy, CSV | |
Multi-thread Word Processor
Developed C-program that parses word files utilizing
C | |
Molecule Viewer
Developed full-stack application with the abilities
to view, upload, and rotate
the periodic table.
Python, C, HTML, Javascript, CSS, JQuery, DOM, SWIG, SVG | |
MNIST Neural Network
Developed Neural Network from scratch using Python
to analyze
MNIST dataset which helped familiarize oneself with machine
learning and development
Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Numpy, Matplotlib, Pandas | |
MERN Stack Project Manager
Utilized GraphQL and Mongo.db to implement full CRUD functionality.
Utilized Bootstrap to implement dynamic styling and UI.
React, Mongo.db, Express.js, Javascript, Node.js, Boostrap, GraphQL, Apollo Client | |
React Visual Path Finder
Developed a a visual path finder in react to find
the shortest path between point A
React, Javascript, Djikstra's Algorithm |